Monday, December 29, 2008

Options for New Year

Thanks to the end of the semester and the holidays, the loyal few have not heard much news from me. Fortunately, with the coming of the new year comes a new opportunity to see what Austin can and will do. We have options, and we have factions. It will be interesting to see how the city changes over the next twelve months. Happy New Year!


Jannie Funster said...

I am one of the loyal few.

I have this fantasy I buy a large condo, big big one at one of those new places by Lamar and the River. I have it all furnished in white, write wonderful songs and run 5 miles on the trail a day.

What's your Austin dream?

Native Austinite said...

My Austin dream is the elimination of the need for a car. So much money could be plowed into local businesses to keep them alive. Streets would be safer, and would need less repair due to the focus on pedestrians and bicycles. Businesses would be more concentrated in and near neighborhoods, and we would all be in fabulous shape because we walk and ride all the time. Trains pass and buses are always full of people, at all hours of the day. Some of those big parking lots have been reduced to garages in one corner, while businesses and walkable public spaces abound.